EduLLM - your assistant in course creation
From the idea to the first lesson in days not months

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EduLLM - From the idea to the first lesson in days not months | Product Hunt
Our platform is the quintessence of LLM models and pedagogical expertise to create structured, personalized and engaging educational courses.
Personalizing learning for different target audiences
Using EduLLM, you can create courses 4 times faster and achieve customization for different target audiences
Structuring your program around pedagogical practices
We have refined the model on different methodologies to create more effective courses
Automated content creation
Our goal is to make sure that in addition to a customized training plan, you get a presentation and content content for the class
How does it work?
Our platform provides an interface to interact with an assistant to create educational courses.
Create your own courses, adapt them to new audiences, structure your thoughts and all in one place!
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